
Step by step

1. Watch the instructional animation of self-examination of breasts or testicles.

2. Perform the examination on a dummy placed inside the case.

3. Check if you’ve successfully detected all disturbing changes.

What is it about?

Take care of yourself and your close ones and learn how to perform self-examination of breasts or testicles on a dummy. This way you will minimize the risk of detecting tumorous changes too late.

Did you know...?

Not every palpable change is tumorous - most of them are benign and not dangerous. If you observe any disturbing changes go to a doctor in order to perform further diagnostics.

In 2008 the European Breast Cancer Coalition has set the 17th of October European Fight Against Breast Cancer Day. This day reminds women about the significant impact a lifestyle has on their lives and about ways to prevent this disease. A pink ribbon is the symbol of the fight against breast cancer.

Every woman, after her 20th year of life should regularly examine her breasts, it’s best to do it right after menstruation ends. They should be examined by a gynecologist once a year even if we don’t notice any disturbing changes. Self-examination applies to postmenopausal women as well.

A number of studies show that moderate physical activity reduces the risk of getting breast cancer while exercises that are very exhausting weaken the immune system.

Getting cancer might have a genetic background. In families where it occurs often, especially in women before the 40th year of life, genetic tests could and should be done. They are performed by oncological health centers in whole Poland.

Testicular cancer is a tumor occurring most often among men between 17th and 35th year of life. It is important to detect it in its early stages by self-examination of organs once a month. Testicular cancer has the highest curability rate if detected early!

Disturbing changes in the testicle area should be reported to a doctor or an urologist immediately. They will check if we have a reason to worry and if necessary send us to a radiologist to do a scrotal ultrasound.